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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Air in Your Supermarket Ice Cream?

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Cuisinart ICE-30BC Pure Indulgence 2-Quart Automatic Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, and Ice Cream MakerIce cream used to come in a half gallon size. About four years ago, all of the big ice cream makers, Friendly's, Edy's, Breyers and Turkey Hill, all started making 1.5 quart sizes but charged us the same or even more.Now to add insult to injury -- I believe these same manufacturers are pumping air into the containers to fluff up the ice cream.

Why do I believe this?
I recenty bought a half gallon size of french vanilla super premium ice cream by Trader Joe's (love that place). This of course was bigger -than the 1.5 qt size, but the ice cream was thick, rich and creamy and packed tight in the container UP TO THE RIM. The consistency was that of gelato. When I first opened the container I had to really dig to get the ice cream out. And three scoops with a normal spoon barely left a dent. Clearly, there is no air pumped into the Trader Joe's super premium ice cream. Take 3 normal spoon scoops out of Edy's or Friendly's and you are almost half way down the container.

I think  Friendly's, Edy's, Breyers and Turkey Hill ice cream manufacturers are hosing us by pumping air directly into the ice cream because the ice cream deflates after it opens. The Trader Joe's super premium kept its creaminess and density for each serving.

I say everyone should tweet this message to put pressure on ice cream manufacturers to fess up to pumping air into supermarket ice cream.

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Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey: Save Big Money & Make the Grocery Aisle your Catwalk (Lakeland Fellranger)
The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half: The Strategic Shopping Method Proven to Slash Food and Drugstore Costs
How to Shop for Free: Shopping Secrets for Smart Women Who Love to Get Something for Nothing