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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Tip Smart - Don't Give More Than You Have To!

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Retail Secrets is careful about tipping too much or too little. But here is a smart way to tip. Never tip on tax.

Have you ever heard this suggestion? I would guess that 80% of all people calculate tips on a balance that includes local or state tax. Tipping on top of tax makes no sense. Who receives the tax? The state or local auhthorities. Neither the restaurant or the waitstaff see the tax - so why would you tip them on that?

When you go to a restaurant, look at the before tax balance and calculate your tip on that number. Most receipts provide the total before and after tax. Remember, the purpose of tipping is to tip for food or service. Don't give more money than you have to. In times of a down economy, we all need to tighten our belts a bit. Scrutinize your restaurant bill and other receipts to make sure you are not paying for something you didn't purchase.

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