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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Pick $1 DVD Rentals at Your Supermarket

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Over the last several months, a big red machine has been sitting near the doorway of my local super market. It is a Red Box DVD machine. You can rent new release dvds from the machine for only $1 per day plus tax. You are charged a $1 for every day (plus tax) you have possesion of the dvd. You need a valid credit card to rent the cash accepted.

In addition, they may debit or put a hold on your credit for more than the cost of the rental to cover late fees etc. SO make sure you have enough credit on your card to cover the hold.

You can rent two ways: Reserve online with credit card and then pick it up at your nearest location or directly rent from the Red Box machine. The company says it has over 8,000 locations so their might be one near you. Once you find a location, check that location for what titles are available! Don't forget your credit card if you reserve online with will need it to get your video.

OR you could Rent movies from Netflix!

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