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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Great Deals at Wal-mart on Danskin Now line

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Walkvest at Gaiam.comI was just in Wal-Mart on Saturday and decided to see what items were clearance. To my surprise there were FIVE rackes with sportswear for $3 and $5. This included the Danskin Now activewear line which I am fond of for workout gear.

From pants and shorts to tops and tanks there were so many options for $3 bucks. I picked up two tops that were labeled $5 but rang up for $3.

If you have a Wal-Mart nearby - stop in today. I believe they are in between seasons and the clearance is to make way for spring attire. This is probably true for other stores such as Old Navy. Now is a great time to shop and save!

Danskin Now - Medium Impact Active Sport Bra at

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