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Free Nationwide LifeLock Speakers Series Shows How the Crime Happens and How to Help Reduce Risks

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LifeLock(, the industry leader in proactive identity theft protection, is currently scheduling its free educational program seminars in cities across the United States.

“Our identity theft protection expert informed us about the dangers of identity theft while empowering us to take action and protect our good names”
.The program, presented through LifeLock’s Speakers Series, is targeted toward corporations, associations, universities, libraries, chambers of commerce, civic clubs, and other professional organizations to educate consumers across the U.S. The Speakers Series program administers the scheduling, complete travel accommodations, and marketing materials for all participating groups.

The Series’ signature presentation focuses on some of the myths and truths of identity theft, a regional snapshot of the crime, the latest scams implemented by thieves to steal consumers’ identities, and a look at the many options available to consumers that help protect them and their family members from becoming victims. The informative presentation is delivered by a recognized expert, many of whom are certified experts in the field of identity theft protection.

Customized to fit the needs of the audience demographic and geological area, the Speakers Series program is becoming a popular program for senior citizens and young adults, two of the most vulnerable populations for identity theft.

Help protect yourself from identity theft for $10/month with LifeLock. Enroll Now.Parties interested in scheduling a free seminar should visit, or email, or call 480-457-2032.

#1 Identity Theft Protection

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