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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Free Watch Battery Replacement at JARED Jewelers

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I stopped into a Jared's Jeweler chain store recently to see if they could change the battery in a Movado Watch. They took my watch and told me to speak with a sales associate.

I was told the watch battery replacement would be $15.99 (OUTRAGEOUS) but free if I filled out a Jared credit card application. I am sucker for a free service and asked if there is an annual fee on their cards and they said no.  I filled out the form, got a new battery and walked out the store.  Six days later I got the credit card in the mail.

I will cancel the card because I have not intention on shopping at Jared.  However, I love a free deal. I do not know if it is store policy for all Jared's but you can ask. If you need a watch battery replacement, check out Jared's to take advantage of this freebie.

Other tips: To save money and the hassle pick up SE 16 PCS Watch Tool Kit from for a cool $7.79.

NOTE: A local jewelry store will only charge $5 or $6 for the same service. I only stopped into Jared's because I was in the neighborhood.

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