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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Free Swap Program Online - Recycle/Obtain Gently Used Items

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I found an interesting story from the Associated Press today. It was about a free swap program online. The article mentions The Freecycle Network, a web-based community swap program. This is essentially a place that you can post used items you no longer need and want and swap with someone elses stuff. No fees, just good old fashioned giving away and/or swapping!

What a great idea! Although it is not a new idea, but the web certainly makes it easier. The site can be accessed at This seems to be huge it has over 4 million members in over 4000 cities. You can join a freecycle group in a city near you. This seems to be a great place to help out the needy. Many people use the site to solicit used wears for homeless or those struck by tragedy., Inc.You may have seen the dumpster bins in gas stations or supermarkets. Often those bins collect clothing, but you really cannot be sure where the stuff is going. I have heard rumors that sometimes the clothes are stredded and sold as rags. That really bothers me because I throw some nice stuff in there! I try to look for bins by the Red Cross or other nonprofits because they have better intentions.

With Freecycle, everyone is donating for some sort of cause whether it be just the spirit of recycling or if you are really in need. I think this is a great way to get rid of items you do not need.

Check it out and give it a go.

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