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Fewer Santa's Will Be Around for the Holidays - Have Santa Come to You

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On the front page of the 11/10/08 issue of the Wall Street Journal,at headline reads "Glum Tidings: Santa Gets Sacked As Cities, Companies Look to Save." The story is about how fewer santas will be visiting your local mall or your town. It also talks about how many cities are scaling back on holiday lights and trees due to the poor economy. The article states that bookings for santas are down 50%.

Solution? Order a Letter From Santa. You can order to today and choose a future mailing date.Receiving a letter from Santa can be a special memory for any child. If you have not done so already, order your Santa Mail letter today. Delight your child this Christmas with a personalized letter from Santa Claus that they will remember for years to come. Santa personalizes each letter with your child's name, best friend's name (optional), hometown, and state! The letter, of course, is postmarked from North Pole, Alaska, which is sure to thrill your child even more. Santa signs his name on the bottom of every letter so your child knows that Santa took the time to write during the busy Christmas season.

Wow a Phone Call and Letter From Santa

Make sure it's a white Christmas with Santa's Letter and Magic Snow

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