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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Is Jessica Simpson the Next Suzanne Somers?

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Jessica Simpson recently had the worst movie box office numbers ever for her movie "Blonde Ambition." It was released in her hometown in Texas and flopped. None of her films before it did well except Dukes of Hazzard which had minor success. Despite failed films and poor CD sales, she keeps getting merchandising deals. I think she is in the process of reinventing herself. Given her lack of success is tradional show business, this is a good move.

Suzanne Somers Fast and Easy Lose Weight the Somersize Way with Quick Delicious Meals for the Entire Family (Hardcover (Trade Cloth))Those of you who are old-enough remember the thighmaster? Suzanne Somers famously used it in a low-budget infomercial which launched her new career as a health and beauty billionaire. She has books, clothing, exercise gear, jewelry, food and anything else you can stick a label on. Jessica Simpson is moving in the same direction. I just saw on TV that she now has a swimsuit line. Ms. Simpson also has hair extenstions, footwear, handbags, clothing, and beauty products. There is a trend here.

I was never a fan of Jessica's music but I found her amusing on her MTV reality show. But her footwear line isn't bad and from the clip I saw on TV of her swimwear line - it shows promise. There a couple a pair of her boots that I definitely would wear. Here are a few Jessica Simpson labeled products. Judge for yourself, is she the next Suzanne Somers? Will you buy her stuff?

Jessica Simpson Women's JamelaJessica Simpson Women's Jamela$89.99

Jessica Simpson Delfina Hobo Bag

Jessica Simpson Leopard-Print One-Piece Swimsuit Women's Swimsuit

For More Jessica Simpson Related Merchandise go to:SHOP.COM

For Suzanne Somers Cookbooks check out:

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