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July's Birthstone -Ruby


Private Sales: Don't Miss Out on Free Money Stores Offer

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If you are a frequent shopper of stores like Macy's or Bloomingdales, you might receive promotional mailings about a "Secret Sale" or "Private Sale." Typically, the store provides a gift card that you have to bring in and swipe to see what the value is. Macy's recently sent me a private sale announcement with a "gift card" that was loaded with either $10,$20, $50, $100 or $500. The point: they wanted me to come in for the sale and the card was supposed to entice me to spend more. The best part about this card was that it was going to have some sort of value and there was no purchase necessary to use the card.

So this was essentially GUARANTEED free money. I couldn't resist. I went to my local Macy's, which is only two miles from where I live. When I got there, I went to the price checker to swipe my card. No I didn't get the $500 (I wonder if anyone does) but I had $10 of free money to spend. There were absolutely NO RESTRICTIONS. I could have bought a tube of lipstick or anything. But because I didn't want to spend over the amount Macy's gave me, I chose to buy one pair of hosiery.

I bought a really nice brand of hosiery for about $9 (they don't give you the change folks). I took my hosiery and left the store. That was it. I didnt have to make another purchase. It was free money. I made the most of my trip to the mall and ate dinner there - something I planned to do anyway.

So folks, don't miss out on the money retail stores offer you to spend - with no obligation. Free money - is indeed - Free money.

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